The Basics of Problem Behaviour

Behaviour 101! Dr. Susan Fawcett, DSRF’s Director of Therapy, Behaviour and Family Support, walks parents through the behavioural basics, including the functions of problem behaviour and the behavioural characteristics most common in children with Down syndrome.

Resources discussed in the video:

Supporting Positive Behavior in Children with Down Syndrome: The Respond but Don’t React Method, by David Stein

T21 Mom Podcast with Susan

Fidler, D. J. (2005). The emerging Down syndrome behavioral phenotype in early childhood: Implications for practice. Infants & Young Children18(2), 86-103.

Patel, L., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Leifer, N., & Hickey, F. (2018). Behavioral characteristics of individuals with Down syndrome. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities11(3), 221-246.

Wishart, J. (2001). Motivation and learning styles in young children with Down syndrome. Down syndrome Research and practice7(2), 47-51.