Scope of Practice: Sexual Health Educator

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Sexual Health Educator scope of practice, as defined by the educational and regulatory bodies of the profession, includes:

  • Body Science (names of genitals and body parts, functions of body parts, care of body/hygiene) 
  • Anatomy and physiology (further look into the reproductive body and its functions including conception, pregnancy, erections, and ejaculation) 
  • Gender (gender roles, societal expectations, transgender/gender fluid/nonbinary identities) 
  • Puberty for all (changes including growth spurts, body odour, acne, voice changes, mood changes, body hair, and hygiene) 
  • Puberty changes caused by estrogen (menstruation, breast development, how to talk about these changes, how to manage these changes – period products and bras) 
  • Puberty changes caused by testosterone (erections, ejaculation, nocturnal emissions, how to talk about these changes and how to manage these changes) 
  • Public versus private (distinguishing public and private places, behaviours, and conversations) 
  • Sexuality (sexual and romantic attraction, asexual and platonic attraction) 
  • Relationships and decision making (types of relationships, consent, dating, rejection, setting boundaries, how and where to meet people, assertiveness, emotions) 
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and safer sex practices (methods of contraception, STI testing, types of STIs and symptoms) 
  • Pornography  
  • Exploitation and abuse prevention (defining abuse, tricky people, warning signs, reporting)